Mission Insights / Moananui

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Episode 03 / Interview 02

Interview with Jodie Kuntzsch, Moananui
Hosted by Ali Boswijk, Nelson Tasman Chamber of Commerce

Moananui is a blue economy cluster whose shared goal is to transform Aotearoa New Zealand into a world-leading ecosystem for developing and commercialising blue economy products, services, technology, research and capability, with a healthy ocean at the heart of this. 

Moananui’s role is to enable businesses, government bodies and other experts to work together with the aim of fast-tracking growth of the ‘blue economy’ – marine activities that generate economic value and contribute positively to social, cultural and ecological wellbeing. The blue economy in Te Tauihu, the top of the South Island, is the largest and fastest growing in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Jodie Kuntszch is the Chief Executive of Moananui and has around 20 years experience working within the seafood sector, particularly in the area of ‘non-product attributes’ – food traceability and sustainability, social responsibility and climate change. 

She has worked with hundreds of seafood related companies and organisations both here in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world. She lives with her family in central Nelson.

Thank you to the Nelson Regional Development Agency for their support for Mission Insights.

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