Mission Insights / Sealord

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Episode 01 / Interview 04

Interview with Doug Paulin, Sealord
Hosted by Jodie Kuntzsch, Mission Zero

Sealord is one of the largest seafood companies in the Southern Hemisphere, with fishing operations in New Zealand, Australia and Mauritius.

Established in Nelson, New Zealand more than 60 years ago, Sealord is equally owned by Māori through Moana New Zealand, and global seafood company Nissui Corporation (Nissui).

Encompassing both sustainable deep-sea fishing and finfish aquaculture operations, Sealord employs more than 1,000 people in New Zealand and 240 people overseas. It specialises in fishing, processing, distribution and marketing, and is one of the largest quota holders in New Zealand harvesting sustainable seafood. Sealord also owns Petuna Aquaculture and Sealord King Reef in Australia.

Doug Paulin was appointed Sealord Chief Executive Officer in October 2020 following a nine year stint at Sealord as General Manager Operations (eight years) followed by the role of Chief Operations Officer (one year).

Prior to Sealord, Doug worked as CEO of Hubbard Foods Ltd., and spent 13 years at Lion Nathan working within sales and marketing. His roles included Regional Sales Director and Marketing Director. Doug also spent two years as part of the Lion Nathan strategic team, where he led Lion’s entry to the Grocery channel. 

Doug has a BCom/LLB from the University of Otago, a Masters in Business Administration from Henley Management College in England and an Advanced Management Program from Harvard University. Doug’s whakapapa links him to Ngāti Porou and Ngāti Raukawa.

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